The David C. Driskell Papers

- The David C. Driskell Papers: The 1950s
- David C. Driskell began his academic career at Howard University in Washington, D.C., as a history major in 1950. It was James A. Porter, then a faculty member in the Department of Art, who saw Driskell's work and urged him to become an art major. Po... View Exhibit Page

- The David C. Driskell Papers: The 1960s
- In 1962, David C. Driskell received his Master of Fine Arts degree (MFA) from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. His thesis advisor and professor of painting, drawing, and composition was Nell Sonnemann who introduced Driskell to the theory and... View Exhibit Page

- The David C. Driskell Papers: The 1970s
- In January of 1970, David C. Driskell was at the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, for a brief teaching engagement. This trip, and a return to Africa in the fall of 1972 on a State Department sponsored lecture to... View Exhibit Page

- The David C. Driskell Papers: The 1980s
- In 1980, the first major retrospective of David C. Driskell's work, David Driskell: A Survey, opened at the University of Maryland Art Gallery on the College Park campus. The exhibition traveled to Middlebury College in Vermont and Nort... View Exhibit Page

- The David C. Driskell Papers: The 1990s and 21st century
- David C. Driskell had studied stained glass design with James A. Porter and Loïs Mailou Jones at Howard University in Washington, D.C., in the 1950s. In the 1990s, Driskell designed two windows for the new sanctuary building of Peoples Congregat... View Exhibit Page